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What are the best practices for identifying and onboarding potential distribution or partnership channels?

What are the best practices for identifying and onboarding potential distribution or partnership channels?

Identifying and onboarding potential distribution or partnership channels begins with a thorough market analysis to understand where your products or services will be most valued. Look into the existing gaps in the market, analyze competitor distribution channels, and consider areas where your offering complements that of a potential partner. Building a distribution or partner profile can help you target companies that align with your business's values, goals, and customer base.

When approaching potential partners, clear communication of your value proposition is critical. Explain how the partnership can be mutually beneficial and present data that showcases potential gains. It’s also important to establish expectations, roles, and responsibilities from the outset to foster trust and ensure all parties are on the same page. During the onboarding process, consider leveraging the Partners and Distribution Innovation Solution to streamline this journey and enhance the collaborative success of your partnership and distribution strategy.

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