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Ideanote sends out some basic notifications to users. You can choose to send more notifications with custom automations.

If you want to allowlist notifications from Ideanote for your email client you can ask IT to help safelist sendgrid.net and *.ideanote.io

Notification Intervals

Notification intervals can be set in the user profile settings and for new users in the workspace settings.

Notification Rules

Activity type

Who will get a notification?


The idea owner.

Idea Links

Both idea owners receive a notification, if they have access to both ideas.

Status Changes

The idea owner.

Phases Changes

The idea owner, if the idea owner has access to the new phase.


All users who have contributed to the idea and have access to the current idea phase.


The idea owner, if they have access to the review phase.


The idea owner and assigned users when rating have finished.


The tagged person.

Triggered by Automation

All users specified in the automation settings.

Triggered by Sharing

All newly invited users if the "Notify" option is enabled.

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