Drive Growth
with Innovation
Ideanote is your central home for ideas. It helps drive innovation-led growth for businesses of all sizes.
We experienced the real pain of trying to share and action ideas inside of companies.
A 10-page paper form or excel sheet can not be the answer.

Make Ideas Matter
It’s 2014. A set of twins, Rune and Andreas Mehlsen, have just sold their App Store trending game to a Danish publishing house and are standing in its entrance hall.
They’re blissful and they’ve already got the next idea.They look to their left. A grey wall. They look to their right. A dark corridor that reeks of an this-is-how-we’ve-always-done-it culture.
They look ahead. A helpful colleague hands them a 10 page paper form titled “Submit your Idea” with the words, “They’ll get back to you within a year”.
We will never know what idea the two Mehlsen twins had that day. It was lost in the fog of an outdated corporate innovation culture. But, in its place, the spark of Ideanote was born.
Everyone wants to Innovate
There is a growing disconnect between how many companies want to have an innovation process that delivers and how many do.
Despite 93 percent of executives seeing organic growth through innovation as the most important driver of future revenue, 59 percent of all companies have not implemented a formal process for ideas.
Complex platforms, insane prices and a consultant heavy approach to implementation are stopping companies and managers from delivering on their innovation goals.
Removing the barriers to implementing actionable idea and innovation management helps more new businesses get started, expedites growth for existing companies, and helps make more of the right ideas matter, globally
We believe in making ideas matter
We're a product company.
We're building the world's first innovation-led growth platform so teams and companies can collect, develop and act on the best ideas from employees and customers without any of the busywork.
By combining idea collection, idea management, engagement and impact analytics in one single and easy to use platform Ideanote democratizes access to the tools of innovation.
Businesses of every size — from new startups to public companies — use our software to power their innovation.
Ideas? Ideanote.
You can think of Ideanote like a collaborative workspace where people come together to collect, develop and implement more of the right ideas.
Ideanote give you a place to structure your innovation process and build your own goal-driven innovation engine — while saving time on repetitive tasks with smart workflow automation an AI.
Innovation-Led Growth
Being able to stay innovative in the global marketplace is more important than ever, but the expectations, routines and decentralized nature of work means it's harder than ever to make sure the right ideas are heard and moved forward.
That's why we created the world's first Innovation-Led Growth platform — to help businesses stay agile and competitive.
With platform that makes innovation easy to get started with and efficient for everyone.