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How to define Ideas, Innovation and More

How to define Ideas, Innovation and More

TLDR: This blog article from Ideanote provides definitions for key terms related to ideas and innovation. It explains that an idea is a thought or collection of thoughts that generate in the mind, while idea management is the structured process of generating, capturing, discussing, and improving valuable insights. Innovation is defined as creating something new or improving existing things, and innovation management involves managing an organization's innovation process. The article also covers terms like ideation, incremental innovation, disruptive innovation, and digitalization.

How to define Ideas, Innovation and More

Since we really want everyone to be as crazy about ideas as we are, we have created Ideanote’s little dictionary. Here, you can find every term we write about, explained to details.

Ideanote’s little dictionary: IDEA

You have probably heard a saying ” Everything starts with an idea” a million times. But what is the real meaning of an idea? Where does the word come from? We know the answer.

The idea is a thought or collection of thoughts that generate in the mind. An idea is usually generated with intent, but can also be created unintentionally. Ideas often form during brainstorming sessions or through discussions. The word itself came from Greek to English in the 14th century, in reference to Platonic idealism. The more modern meaning showed up in the 17th century, where an idea was connected to what someone thinks of.

We just can’t get enough of good ideas, and we make sure to share them with you. Besides that, here at Ideanote, we work towards setting ideas free. Everywhere.

Now that you know a bit more about ideas, read some of our articles, just to master the term. We wrote about Ideas from Iceland that will make you feel a little warmer. Talking about ideas without mentioning Elon Musk just wouldn’t be right, so you can read about Elon Musk’s 5 great ideas, too. Besides mastering the term, you can just find a lot of cool facts that you maybe haven’t heard of before.

Ideanote’s little dictionary: IDEA MANAGEMENT

Idea management is a structured process of generating, capturing, discussing and improving, organizing, evaluating and prioritizing valuable insight or alternative thinking that would otherwise not have emerged through normal processes. ( for the visual explanation, check the image below this subheading )

Idea management is all about getting feedback from stakeholders, with the aim to use that feedback for future product releases or decision making.

Idea management is what Ideanote specializes at! So, if you are in need of getting feedback from your team, co-workers or public, look no further. Check our idea management platform right here.

Ideanote’s little dictionary: INNOVATION

Innovation is not only creating something new but also improving something that already exists. Innovation is making ideas happen and mostly it includes some failure till you get to the right outcome.” It also means creating value from ideas. Furthermore, innovation can come from anywhere, just as inspiration does. It can come from ourselves, our workplace, our team, or from our competitors.

Here at Ideanote, we often discuss innovation. Therefore, here are some of the articles you might have missed but shouldn’t have!

Innovation: What is it and why do some companies still fear it?

The Ideanote school of innovation: Human capital

The Ideanote school of innovation: Design thinking

Ideanote’s little dictionary: INNOVATION MANAGEMENT

Idea management and Innovation management are two terms that get confused pretty often. So now that you know what exactly Idea management is, it is much easier to differentiate the two. Innovation is a necessity for a 21-century business. It takes time and involves a lot of failures, but with the right innovation management process, it drives the results. So what is innovation management then?

Innovation management involves the process of managing an organizations’ innovation procedure. From ideation to implementation “it encompasses the decisions, activities, and practices of devising and implementing an innovation strategy.”

Innovation management’s success depends on company’s innovation culture, employee engagement and collaborative technology such as Ideanote.

Ideanote’s little dictionary: IDEATION

Short and easy, Ideation is the creative process of generating and developing new ideas! Therefore, ideation is all about coming up with the best idea. In order to get there, it often involves coming up with a lot of ideas that are then filtered until the best one is found.

Ideanote’s little dictionary: INCREMENTAL INNOVATION

Often referred to as the most common form of innovation, incremental innovation is a series of small improvements made to company’s existing product or services.

“The changes implemented through incremental innovation are usually focused on improving an existing product’s development efficiency, productivity, and competitive differentiation. Many enterprises use incremental innovation to help maintain or improve a product’s market position. Incremental innovation has become a common tactic in the consumer technology industry, as companies strive to regularly improve personal devices with customer-friendly features.”

Ideanote’s little dictionary: DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION

Disruptive innovation is a type of innovation that creates a new market and value network and with that disrupts an existing market and value.

Even when revolutionary, not all innovations are disruptive. Let’s take automobiles as an example. “The first automobiles in the late 19th century were not a disruptive innovation because early automobiles were expensive luxury items that did not disrupt the market for horse-drawn vehicles. Therefore, the transportation market was first disrupted with the debut of the lower priced Ford Model T in 1908. The mass-produced Ford Model T was a disruptive innovation, because it changed the transportation market, whereas the first thirty years of automobiles did not.

Ideanote’s little dictionary: DIGITALIZATION

Digitalization means using digital technologies and data to create revenue, improve business and business processes and create an environment where digital information is core information. In short, digitalization is changing from analog to digital.

Benefits of digitalization:

  1. Digitalization gives multiple users the possibility of accessing the same information.
  2. Data is accessible anywhere and anytime, especially with the popularity of mobile technology.
  3. Backing up files is easier.
  4. he costs of sharing and copying documents are lower.
  5. Improved efficiency for enterprises.

Now that you’ve mastered the field…

We’re hoping Ideanote’s little dictionary has helped you understand some terms better. Now that you’ve mastered the field of ideas and innovation, buckle up because we already have a lot of great content ready for you.

Meanwhile, check out our most recent articles: The connection between great leaders and idea management and Idea management for millennials.

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If you're looking for an all-in-one solution for your innovation, look no further than Ideanote! With our flexible platform you can do everything from collecting ideas, engaging your crowd and analyzing your innovation performance.

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