Leave a review of Ideanote on G2 and we'll send you a free additional stacking code.

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Get your free upgrade.


Just click the link, leave a review and submit a screenshot of the review.

Wait, so what do I get?

As thanks for leaving a review, we will upgrade your workspace subdomain to the stacking pricing plan with extra features and higher limits. You’ll not have to pay more.

What review platforms are valid?

G2 is a place where people recommend software to a wider audience. Already more than 100+ people like you have reviewed Ideanote. Reviews help us spread the word about Ideanote and make more ideas matter.

Who is eligble?

This is a limited time offer for people who have bought the AppSumo stacking offer.

What if I refund my original code?

Once the AppSumo campaign is over any codes that you bought and that you refund will be removed from your workspace and your limits will be adjusted down accordingly.

If a workspace only has a "free code" left we will remove it as well - a workspace needs to have a paid stacking code to be part of this.