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Ideanote Crash Course
Introduction to Ideanote

Introduction to Ideanote

A quick introduction of Ideanote which you can see. I brought with me today and example of an idea of workspace.

We just covered some of the basics to give you a better sense of what this whole idea, note and idea management thing is all about. Now, what you can see here is an example of an idea, not workspace.
And we're looking at an imaginary company called unicorn, Inc. And the way we think about ideas, the way we think about the. Have an idea is via these goal-driven idea, collections that you can see examples of right here on the screen. Now they're, goal-driven in the sense that they all have a purpose at the center.

And this is the purpose in the form of a question. And typically this question will represent some kind of business challenge. So this could range from say, employee engagement to. Ask him questions about the future of work or cost saving ideas or whatever it is that you either want to solve or simply collect ideas for.

Now, the way we organize our idea collections, as you can see here, we have one that we've placed within a folder, the represents the entire organizations of all of you and accordingly. We could also imagine creating folders for. Either teams or departments and then have them either create and facilitate their own idea collections, or maybe there's local ownership somewhere within an innovation department.

And they're creating and facilitating all the idea collections, but still placing them within their respective folders so that we know where to find things. We stay organized. We have structure in the way that we create and manage content on our work. Now here, it's important to note that each of the different idea collections have their own audience.

So if we take the HR team as an example, and the two idea collections within that folder, we could imagine that someone from HR has created these two idea collections, but maybe the first one only targets people within HR. Whereas the second one. Targets people within the entire organization. So all of you and accordingly, so it's, um, it's easy for us to mix and manage and segment groups of people, depending on what it is we want them to do and what we want them to engage with.

And the neat thing about access based interaction is that this particular home feed here is going to tailor itself. To my experience based on the things I have access to. So some users might only see a single idea collection while others might see all of them. Again, depending on what they've been invited to.

Now, it is to some extent considered best practice to at least somewhat mirror your organizational structure onto the platform like we've done here. With teams and departments, but it doesn't have to be that way. You can also create a workspace and structure it around folders that represent more general topics.

So an example of that could be open innovation. So maybe that's where you put idea collections for external partners, customers, or any audience outside of the organization that you want to engage, but you want to keep things separate from, from all the rest. So a combination of folders and idea collections are basically the way that you create your workspace will structure your workspace.

And in the next couple of videos, we'll dive into how you create these idea collections and how you structure the process for each, share them, set them up and get the best results.

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