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Ideanote Crash Course
Add Phases to your Idea Collection

Add Phases to your Idea Collection

You've just created an idea collection, but it's not quite ready to be shared just yet, because we want to make sure that we nail the process that each idea will travel through. As it's submitted to the idea collection. Now it might be that you have a battle-tested innovation funnel within your company, and we'll simply mirror that onto the workspace.

It could also be that you're entirely new to this. And in that case, you can simply use the best practice approach that will be using this video. And then you can reiterate and tweak it as you go and, and completely make it your own over time. But in short, we'll want to add phases to our idea collection and these phases will make.

The process that the ideas will travel through. Now, first things first, we'll just go to the idea collection and we'll just add a single idea just to make sure we can test out the process as we set it up. We'll click create idea, or just.
Right here. We can see the idea now appears within our idea collection and it automatically appears in the first phase. So all new idea collections, they have two default phases. These can be changed or there are two default phases.

The first one is the growth phase, and that is indicated by this green call to action right here that asks, how might this idea be improved?

So this first phase is all about inviting the audience to provide feedback on improving, maturing, expanding on the ideas. We're now collaborating on, making the idea better. We can include some attachments with our feedback and other users can like our feedback or reply directly to it. And that's how we get the ball rolling.

Now, if you imagine that for this idea collection down the road, we've collected a hundred ideas stay, and some of these ideas are looking really good. We want to move them to the next phase. What we can do is we can see change phase and we can then take it out of a growth phase and move it to the right phase.

And this is the second of the two default phases in all idea, collections. And you can see that before. Green call to action. Now turns yellow and it has the first of three rating criteria within the call to action. It's asking how confident are you in this idea? So now instead of providing feedback, users can click and they can rate the idea and the second criteria and appears a logical impact.

And lastly, how expensive is this? Now I should mention that these rating criteria can be changed. Thank God. So you can completely make them your own. You can adjust the scale, change the question, add your own icon. Uh, but there'll be more than that in a separate video. What we want to focus on here is to add the right phases and create the right process and to do that, we'll now leave this particular view called cards.

We'll go to the view called columns. Now we're still inside the idea collection. We're just looking at the faces differently. So you can see, we have our growth phase, our rate phase, and the idea that we moved from the first to the second phase, and what we can do is we can add additional phases to the idea collection.

And if we do that, Can see here we have grow. We have rate, we can add more faces that we can choose some different face types. Now you can add as many as you'd like a multiple of the same kind, but we'll just go with the good best practice example. And I recommend you start with this. If you're unsure what your process should look like.

So we'll add an act phase. We'll add a done phase. And I should mention here that this is also the place where you might go to. An individual phase and make changes to it. So for the rate phase, for example, select that, and we can then change how we want to rate the different ideas in this phase. There are some other options as well, that will also be, um, unpacked in a separate video on faces and specifically ratings.

But for now the closest down, or we can see. We have our faces added to the idea collection. And if we just stay on this particular example, where you could typically do here is you will have everyone in the audience create ideas, and then you would have everyone in the audience grow the ideas of other people.

But then you might have a panel of experts who do the evaluation in the right phase or someone with the necessary insight into understanding the evaluation criteria and then use. Of course, it's going to produce a shortlist of highly rated ideas that we could then move to the act phase, where we have say, directors, managers, supervisors, anyone with a mandate to sponsor an idea.

So you can see the call to action for this phase is who should act on this idea? We can then sign ownership to people. And then we can move it to done when we're finished. So you can play around with the different phases, um, and really make the other process your own. Remember, you can change the name of each phase, the description of each, you can reorder them in relationship to each other and otherwise customize the process.
Now, next up, we will look at how to set the audience for the idea collection as a whole and for each individual phase along the way.

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