New Idea Collection View: Embed View
![New Idea Collection View: Embed View]()
- We've added a new view for your idea collections: Embed View. With the embed view it's now possible to embed a specific URL directly into the view of your idea collection.
- It's now possible to assign an entire team in the act phase
- Added option to select multiple members when setting up a "Select member" form field
- It's now possible to export ideas created by a specific user from user profile page
- Fixed problems where activity actions weren't shown when "summaries" were hidden for a given phase
- It's now possible to choose between more statuses when the last reviewer selects a status in the review phase
- AI now generates longer content
- Fixed problem where searching in some dropdown fields wouldn't correctly filter the entries
- You can now submit multi-line text-fields with CTRL + Enter in the idea widget
- Fixed flag icons in Custom Translations Variables.
- Various bug fixes and UI improvements