Improved Rich Text Editing and Filters
- Text can be now left-, center-, right-aligned, or justified in Information views.
- The size of images can now be increased or decreased via the toolbar inside Information views.
- Member idea fields can now opt-in to also allow selecting teams, or the workspace, or both.
- # of Reviews, # of Comments, and many other similar kinds of filters for users now support selecting the idea collection in which the activities must have been made.
- Fixed a performance issue when typing inside dynamic expressions when there many available suggestions visible.
- Fixed an issue where the usage of raw HTML-tags would not render a preview value for idea collection editors after unfocusing the text field.
- When a Splunk integration has been set up, audit logs can now show when/if an activity was synced to a Splunk instance via a new Splunk-synced at column. Note: this only works for activities generated after this release.
- A list of the latest activities synced to a Splunk instance can now be seen inside Splunk integration settings, without having to open the audit log.
- Fixed an issue where several different kinds of activities shared the same action value in Splunk CIM-formatted activities, causing errors.
- Added additional metadata for Export User Data and Export Workspace Data activities inside audit logs.
- Export User Data and Export Workspace Data activities are now generated across every Export Button, whereas it was only for certain activities before.