Better Printing and Emails
![Better Printing and Emails]()
- Insights tabs are now translated to the user language instead of the workspace language
- All columns are now sortable in the list view of ideas
- The selected filter is now properly applied when exporting teams
- Changed wording on the save button in all dialogs
- A large part of our infrastructure has been upgraded to make our webapp even faster than before
- Fixed issue where the status selector would appear with a wrong height on smaller screens
- Avatars now have a transparent background
- Added fair usage checks on trial and free workspaces
- Fixed scroll problems when printing the webapp
- Improved layout when a mission doesn't have any views
- Fixed issue where AI-generated ideas would sometimes have a space character in the beginning of the idea
- Fixed an issue where SAML login would not work in some specific browsers
- Fixed an issue where people logging in with Google would sometimes not have a profile picture
- The highlight color is now respected on the custom domain page
- Admins are now allowed to see redeemed offers
- Fixed an issue where the create mission button would now be shown in the app bar if not arriving from the home page
- All emails have been redesigned - we hope you like them!
- All user generated content is now properly sanitised in emails
- UI and performance improvements