ideanote logomark
Video Courses
Better Idea Activity Feed

Better Idea Activity Feed

Better Idea Activity Feed
  • Added new activity feed in idea details
  • Added new phase summaries on idea cards
  • Added new phase selector
  • Added new people settings layout
  • Added new delete user warning prompt
  • Added new teams page
  • Added new add team dialog
  • The add phase button is now only shown if the user has edit access to the mission
  • Fixed issue where web socket would close after 2 minutes
  • Added new custom authentication provider
  • More activities are now sent through the web sockets
  • Added ability to reply to updates
  • Added loading spinner when changing phase and status
  • Updated translations
  • Made the files that are required for running the platform smaller
  • Improved activity feed
  • Fixed various filter related bugs
  • Buttons are now shown as loading during navigation
  • Fixed issue where the same name would appear twice in the assign sheet
  • Fixed issue where analytics in rare cases would count users twice
  • Added counts that reflects the relevant filters
  • AppCues is now only loaded for the first owner in workspaces
  • Added GraphQL to more endpoints
  • Fixed issue where deadline dropdown would not respect the theme of the workspace
  • Added payment wall on insights if the workspace isn't allowed to use insights
  • Fixed UI issue that would occur when editing view access in missions with many phases
  • Fixed issue where added many custom filters would show dropdown at the wrong location
  • Fixed minor bugs and improved performance

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