What protection do you provide against DDoS, Ransomware, Malware and other attacks?
Ideanote is protected against vulnerabilities and threats with a range of
- Ideanote is protected against DDOS attacks with the Google Cloud Armor WAF (Web Application Firewall).
- Ideanote follows secure development lifecycle and secure development environment practices.
- Ideanote tests against OWASP 10 vulnerabilities and develops with OWASP 10 in mind.
- Ideanote conducts a vulnerability assessment by an independent third party on an annual basis and remediates any findings.
- Any security findings are prioritized and addressed on a running basis.
- Ideanote has separate development, staging and production environments and does not use production data during development.
- Customer data is encrypted at rest and in transit.
- Industry standard encryption methods (AES 256) is used to protect customer data.
- Code dependencies are automatically checked for vulnerabilities.
- Automated tests are run to ensure authentication and authorization methods are secure.
- Ideanote endpoints are hardened, encrypted and protected against malware.