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Data Variables

Data Variables allow you to reference and display workspace-specific data dynamically, making your content more relevant and personalized for users. Whether you’re showing user information, idea details, or collection stats, Data Variables enable real-time updates and tailored content.

Using Data Variables

Data Variables can be inserted into text fields across your workspace, such as form descriptions, idea collection details, and automation messages. These variables automatically pull and display the relevant data when the content is rendered.

  • Example: {{ sessionUser.name }} displays the name of the current user.
  • Example: {{ ideaCollection.stats.ideas.total }} displays the total number of ideas submitted in the current idea collection.

Commonly Used Data Variables

The types of data variables you can use in your formulas that are accessible across the content on your Workspace greatly depends on the context. For example, inside automations, they depend on both the kind of trigger and the kind of action you’re working with.

That’s why we suggest you’ll always start by pressing the { key on your keyboard inside one of your text fields, and then inspect the list of suggestions provided. The variables you see there will be the ones you can reliably use inside that context. Here’s a breakdown of key Data Variables categories you can use.

As a rule of thumb, if you’re in the process of writing an idea, then most of the available data bindings will start with ”idea”, and then you can typically reach everything else you need from there.

All that said, here follows a small selection of examples of supported bindings across ideas and idea collections, to help you get a better understanding of the scope.

User-Related Data

  • sessionUser.name: Displays the full name of the current user.
  • sessionUser.rank: Shows the user’s rank as a numeric value, where Guest = 1000, a Member = 2000, and Admin = 3000 and a Workspace Owner = 5000. Numeric values make it easier to create comparate operations e.g. by saying {{IF(sessionUser.rank > 1000, "Welcome")}}
  • sessionUser.stats.ideas: Returns the total number of ideas submitted by the user.

Idea Data

  • idea.friendlyId: A short, unique identifier for the idea.
  • idea.url.full: The full URL to the idea.
  • idea.status.title: The current Status of the idea (e.g. In Review, Approved, Delayed).
  • idea.phase.name: The name of the current Phase of the idea (e.g. Open Discussion).
  • idea.stats.comments: The number of comments an idea has received.
  • idea.owner.name: The name of the user who submitted the idea.
  • idea.status.title: The title of the status the idea currently has
  • idea.submittedAt: The timestamp at which the idea was created
  • idea.stats.comments: The number of comments the idea has
  • idea.stats.likes.total: The number of likes the idea has in total
  • idea.stats.totalAvgRating: The combined total average rating the idea has
  • idea.field.<UUID>.value: The user-submitted value for the form field with the corresponding UUID. If you have a field for "Estimated Cost" with the UUID 123abc, you can use {{ idea.field.123abc.value }} to display the submitted value. If you are in doubt about the UUID and want to be sure you can copy the ID of any idea field when editing its form.

Idea Collection Data

  • ideaCollection.title: The title of the idea collection.
  • ideaCollection.question: The guiding question or challenge statement of the collection.
  • ideaCollection.stats.ideas.total: The total number of ideas submitted within the collection.
  • ideaCollection.status: The current status of the collection (e.g., ACTIVE, ENDED.
  • ideaCollection.url.full: The full URL to the idea collection
  • ideaCollection.friendlyId: A short, simple ID for the idea collection that is unique within the workspace
  • ideaCollection.goal.title: The title of the goal for the idea collection
  • ideaCollection.owner.name: The name of the user who created the idea collection.

Workspace Data

  • workspace.name: The title of the idea collection.
  • workspace.subdomain: The guiding question or challenge statement of the collection.
  • workspace.url.full: The full website url that people can use to navigate to your workspace. If a custom subdomain is set, it will correspond to that url.

Using Data Variables in Context

Data Variables can adapt based on where they’re used. For example:

  • In Idea Collection Descriptions: Use e.g. {{ ideaCollection.goal.title }} to display the title of the collection’s goal.
  • In the Action Step of an Automation: Use e.g. {{ idea.owner.name }} to use the idea creator’s name or {{ action.receiver.name }} to write the name of the person receiving the message.
  • Across Idea Fields: When referencing an earlier field value inside an idea form or an idea field from within an form entry form you can use {{context.field.<UUID>.value}} to reference another field value.

Formatting and Customization

Data Variables can be combined with functions and operators to format and customize the output:

  • Capitalize the User’s Name: {{ CAPITALIZE(sessionUser.name) }}
  • Display Idea Count with a Fallback: {{ ideaCollection.stats.ideas.total != 0 ? ideaCollection.stats.ideas.total : "No ideas yet" }}
  • Round User's Average Engagement Score: {{ ROUND(sessionUser.stats.engagementScore) }}

Example Title and Description for a Cost-Saving Idea Collection

Question: How might we save costs in {{ sessionUser.country }}?

Description: Hello {{ sessionUser.name }}, and welcome to our important annual {{ workspace.name }} cost-saving campaign!

We’re excited to hear your creative ideas for reducing expenses. So far, together we have collected {{ ideaCollection.stats.ideas.total }} ideas — make your voice heard too!

You can always see the idea leaderboard of this collection by visiting:

{{ ideaCollection.url.full }}/leaderboard.

Best Practices for Data Variables

  • Use Descriptive Labels: Ensure variable names are clearly referenced in your documentation to avoid confusion.
  • Test Dynamic Content: Preview pages to ensure data variables display the expected information.
  • Combine with Custom Translation Variables: Use variables within translations to ensure localization while keeping content dynamic.
  • Avoid Empty Values: When using variables that may not always contain data (e.g., custom form fields), include fallback text to ensure a seamless experience, for example: {{ idea.stats.comments > 0 ? idea.stats.comments + " comments" : "No comments yet" }}

By leveraging Data Variables effectively, you can create personalized, data-driven content that adapts to user input and enhances the overall workspace experience.

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