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Advanced Dynamic Expressions

In this section, we will prepare many increasingly complex examples of dynamic expressions to inspire you and show you some of the possibilities they unlock.

Dynamic Expressions + Automations and Notifications

Learn how to use dynamic expressions with custom views and automations to personalize workflows and enhance productivity.

  • Goal: Notify editors when an idea is rated, linking them to a custom "Rated Ideas" view.
  • Steps:
    • Create View: Filter to show only rated ideas, visible to editors.
    • Set Up Automation: Trigger notifications when ideas are rated.
    • Craft Notification: Use dynamic expressions to include the idea’s title, owner, and direct URL to the rated view.
    • Personalize View: Add a dynamic greeting with the session user's name.
  • Test: Rate an idea to confirm the notification and link work as expected.

Once live, the setup notifies editors and directs them to the rated ideas list via a clickable link in their notification tab.

Dynamic Expressions + Static Fields

Learn how to use dynamic expressions with static fields to enhance idea submissions and real-time calculations.

Goal: Create a custom score field that updates in real time based on idea interactions.


  1. Add Static Field:
    • Create a static field (e.g., "Custom Score") in a simple form and add a tooltip for explanation.
    • Set the field type as "Number" and use context.stats.likes.total to track total likes.
  2. Use Dynamic Expressions:
    • Populate the field with real-time data using context variables.
    • Combine expressions (e.g., likes + average rating) to calculate scores.
    • Reference user-filled fields (e.g., an "Estimate" field) by ID in the expression.
  3. Incorporate Functions and Operators:
    • Add conditional logic (e.g., if the rating is below 1, default to 1).
    • Use parentheses and multipliers to prioritize values (e.g., multiply ratings by 10).
  4. Test the Setup:
    • Submit an idea and fill out the required fields.
    • Verify that the custom score updates dynamically (e.g., after rating the idea).
    • Reload to confirm real-time updates.
  5. Additional Uses:
    • Use the custom score in list views, plots, exports, and filters.
    • Optionally, override values later with automations (e.g., using "Update Idea" actions).

Outcome: The dynamic custom score field enhances sorting, filtering, and tracking by updating in real time based on user interactions.

Examples of Math Operations

  • Add two numbers
  • {{ 1 + 2 }}
    {{ sessionUser.stats.likes + 2 }}
    {{ idea.field.d4141580-66ec-4f72-b25c-6282362ed61d.value + idea.field.00c91022-050a-489d-8a9a-e9d668698ecc.value }}
  • Divide two numbers
  • {{ 1 / 2 }}
    {{ ideaCollection.stats.ideas.total / 10 }}
  • Raise a number to a power
  • {{ 2 ** 2 }}
    {{ sessionUser.stats.ideas ** 2 }}
  • Adjust the order of operations in a math formula
  • {{ (2 + 2) * 4 }}
  • Take the average of some numbers, and round to nearest whole number
  • {{ ROUND(AVERAGE(2, 3, 5)) }}
    {{ ROUND(AVERAGE(sessionUser.stats.likes, 3, 5)) }}
  • Take the largest number in a set
  • {{ MAX(1, 3, 5) }}
    {{ MAX(1, 3, sessionUser.stats.assignments) }}
  • Take the length of a word
  • {{ LENGTH("Hello") }}
    {{ LENGTH(sessionUser.name) }}

Examples of Working with Text

  • Uppercase a word
  • {{ UPPERCASE("hello") }}
    {{ UPPERCASE(translate:custom.my.translation.variable) }}
  • Truncate a word if it exceeds 10 characters
  • {{ TRUNCATE("Hi, I’d like to share with you my whole life story", 10) }}
    {{ TRUNCATE(sessionUser.name, 10) }}
  • Repeat a word three times
  • {{ REPEAT("Hi! ", 3) }}
    {{ REPEAT(ideaCollection.title, 3) }}
  • Replace the character ‘H’ in a word with ‘C’
  • {{ REPLACE("Hello", "H", "C") }}
    {{ REPLACE(sessionUser.name, "H", "C") }}
  • Remove leading and trailing whitespace from a word
  • {{ TRIM("   Hello   ") }}
    {{ TRIM(sessionUser.name) }}

Examples of Logic Operations

  • Check if a number is greater than another number
  • {{ 3 > 2 }}
    {{ sessionUser.stats.ideas > 2 }}
  • Check if a calculation is correct
  • {{ 2 + 2 == 4 }}
    {{ (2 + 2) * 4 == 16 }}
  • Check if a number is equal to another number
  • {{ 3 == 2 }}
    {{ sessionUser.stats.ideas == 2 }}
  • Check if something is not true
  • {{ !(2 + 2 == 4) }}
  • Check if all conditions are true
  • {{ 2 + 2 == 4 && 6 * 6 == 36 }}
    {{ LENGTH(sessionUser.name) > 10 && LENGTH(sessionUser.name) < 50 }}
  • Check if at least one condition is true
  • {{ 2 + 2 == 5 || 4 + 4 == 8 }}
    {{ LENGTH(TRUNCATE("Goodbye, " + sessionUser.name, 30)) < 50 || sessionUser.stats.likes > 2 }}
  • Combining AND and OR groupings
  • {{ 2 + 2 == 4 && (3 + 3 == 5 || 4 + 4 == 8) }}
  • Check if a word starts with a specific sequence of characters
  • {{ STARTS_WITH("hello", "he") }}
    {{ STARTS_WITH(translate:custom.greeting, "Greetings") }}
  • Check if a word includes a specific sequence of characters
  • {{ INCLUDES("hello", "ll") }}

Examples of Conditionals

  • Display a different word, depending on the value of a calculation
  • {{ 2 + 2 == 4 ? "Correct" : "Incorrect" }}
    {{ sessionUser.stats.likes > 10 ? "Top-contributor" : "Rookie" }}
  • Use different translation variables for different users depending on their rank
  • {{ sessionUser.rank >= 3000 ? translate:custom.admin_text : translate:custom.normal_member_text }}

By using these dynamic expressions, you can create sophisticated, personalized, and powerful logic within your workspace.

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