When you claim an Ideanote workspace, it’s yours and yours alone. All access to the datastore is restricted to only a select few to keep security high and risk low.
Customer can request help that can require the need for access to your workspace, make use of screen-sharing software or simply run tests using a development environment. You’ll never have to grant access to anything if you don’t want to. Data is kept encrypted at rest in a highly secure environment that can only be accessed with 2FA and other measures. Ideanote will never, for any reason or under any circumstances, sell your data to third parties.
Ideanote does not own, control or direct the use of any data stored or processed by our customers as they use our service. This extends to access, retrieval and direct use of such data. We are generally unaware of what is being stored or otherwise internally made available within a workspace.
Ownership of Content remains with Customer and its Users. As described in Our Terms of Service, Ideanote and its employees are at no point permitted to view Customer Content unless We are given explicit consent by the Customer for valid support purposes or if We are compelled by a law or a valid legal or government request. At no point are we allowed to Use Customer Content for Our own purposes.
Ideanote employees, such as our support staff, do not as a standard have access to customer workspaces Access to workspaces is only given to employees on the basis of valid urgent support requests and employees are trained on appropriate access, and access is monitored for inappropriate use.
While Customer Content is not accessed, generalized Customer data in the form of events and usage statistics is collected and used for the purposes of general user experience improvements and product feedback. Any direct product feedback given to Customer Support staff is not considered Customer Content and can also be used to improve our Services.
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