Static Fields, Dynamic Expression Formulas, Co-Owners + Anonymity

Static Fields, Dynamic Expression Formulas, Co-Owners + Anonymity
  • Added Static Fields: A new type of field that can be used to define values on ideas and form entries that are visible to users during submission, and cannot be edited by them afterwards. These can contain constant values, use real-time Dynamic Expressions and be updated via automation workflows.
  • Added Dynamic Expressions: Our old Dynamic Binding system has been supercharged and can now do a lot more, including performing math operations, calling functions, and add logical value comparisons.
  • Added additional kinds of security-related activities for the audit log: 'Changed password', 'Enabled IP Anonymization', 'Disabled IP Anonymization', 'Exported User Data', and 'Exported Workspace Data'.
  • Added more visual feedback when links are copied to the clipboard.
  • Added support for conditions on fields in Expand phases referencing fields from other Expand phases.
  • Improved the co-owners and anonymity features so that they can now be used together.
  • Improved performance when reordering views.
  • Improved filtering so you can now set up filters for matching on ideas for which they have an attachment or not.
  • Improved restrictions inside embed views and added a disclaimer stating that not all websites are supported.
  • Improved the media picker by ensuring that aspect ratio is shown when selecting/generating images.
  • Improved performance and rendering with optimisations.
  • Improved our default themes to now better support dark- and high contrast modes.
  • Updated the icon for hidden activities to better differentiate it.
  • Updated the email builder so it supports the <ul>, <ol>, and <li> elements.
  • Fixed an issue where non-admins could export user data for someone else.
  • Fixed an issue where & could appear inside the subject of emails sent from Ideanote when the workspace name included a & character.
  • Fixed an issue where searching in the audit log didn't work.
  • Fixed the color tab in the Appearance settings so it defaults to the one matching the users' current preference.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the hour/minute selection in date pickers did not save the selection.
  • Fixed an issue with datetime preferences showing Greek characters for other languages when formatting dates.
  • Fixed an issue with blank PDF previews inside the Teams integration.
  • Fixed an issue where bulk actions did not work inside List views.
  • Fixed an issue with navigating to profile pages sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue where AI images could disappear from Information views.